2014 (Fall) Course Syllabus & Outline - Figure Study 1

University of Manitoba, School of Art     
Figure Study 1   STDO 1240  A01   Fall 2014

Instructor:                     Derek Brueckner                           

Class location:                  Art Lab 466
Class time:                     Monday  2:30pm to  5:20pm

Outofclass work:             Up to 6 hours per week (2x contact hours)

Office:                            Art Lab 337 or 332A        204 474-9549       (no voicemail)
Office hours:                   Generally before class or by appointment. If possible book an appointment via email prior to meeting.

Email:                            Derek.Brueckner@umanitoba.ca

Online materials:           Copies of the syllabus, materials list and any additional course documents, will be made available online as PDFs for students to download at any time at the courses page on Desire2Learn https://umanitoba.desire2learn.com/d2l/login. 

Course Website:           Additional student work examples, all assignment descriptionand additional course information will also be available on: http://derekbruecknerfigurestudycourse.blogspot.com

Posting of Grades:       Grades for all Art assignments will be posted on Desire2Learn: https://universityofmanitoba.desire2learn.com

Course description:     Traditional and experimental drawing approaches to rendering the figure, culminating

                                       in the production of  a portfolio of drawings. Prerequisite for further study in fine arts
                                       studio courses. May not be held with STDO 1200 (054.120). 0.0  to 1.5 Credit Hours.

This course introduces traditional and experimental drawing approaches to the acquisition of key competencies within a figurative tradition of rendering. Emphasis is placed on the development of observational skills through regular practice. A portfolio of completed drawings is produced.

Topics to be covered in the course include:

·       Drawing from the model during regular scheduled sessions 
·       Proportion and basic anatomical structure as observed through lifedrawing exercises
·       Portraiture
·       The use of various drawing materials (wet and dry), collage, experimental drawing techniques (please note that the use of solventbased materials, compressed charcoal and sprays are not allowed in the drawing studios)

Objectives:                    By the end of the course, students will have: 

·       Demonstrated knowledge of and growing proficiency with the techniques and concerns
introduced in the course, as evidenced in final portfolios of inclass exercises.
·       Produced two standalone works, in the form of a directed Takehome Assignments, which shows a facility with and synthesis of material presented and skills acquired in the course.
·       Concisely articulated, both in writing and in the context of group critique, their personal objectives in producing works and the measures taken to achieve those aims.
·       Consistently provided constructive feedback to their peers during all group critiques.

E-mail Communications
University communications will only be sent to a student’s U of M account. The full policy is available at umanitoba.ca/governance. All students are required to claim their U of M “myumanitoba.ca” student email account. This is a campus-wide policy. Learn how to activate your email at: umanitoba.ca/studentemail.       

It is mandatory that all students maintain and regularly monitor a University of Manitoba email account. Critical information from the registrar, instructors, and the School of Art will be relayed to you through the Web mail, D2L and Aurora electronic notification systems.

Students without personal computers can use computers in Information Services and Technology labs in a variety of locations on campus including the Dafoe Library or Art Lab if you are enrolled in fine arts studio courses. More information is available in your orientation package or by calling IST at 474-8600. It is your sole responsibility to continually monitor your class site(s) for information such as class announcements and email correspondence.

E-mails received from non-U of M accounts will be directed to resend their inquiry from their U of M email account for a response. Returning students sending emails from personal accounts will not receive a response.

Activities (subject to change)

Class 1     Mon    Sept 8:  Introduction (no model)
·        Introduction to the syllabus and Presentation of Assignment 1.
·        Setup: Getting to know the studio furniture, drawing posture, etc.
·        Gestures: blind gesture drawings (2 @ 5 minutes)
·        Medium: Partner drawing (1 @ 20 minutes)
·        Longer: Public space drawing with people(1 @ 30 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials

Class 2    Mon    Sept 15: Gesture  and contour 1 (Model)

·       Gestures: (10 @ 1 minute)
·       Short: Gesture+ drawings (5 @ 5 minutes)
·       Short: Active/offbalance poses (5 @ 5 minutes)
·       Medium: (3 @ 15 minutes)
·       Longer: reclining/foreshortened poses (2 @ 30 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials + pencils (see supply list) and 3 coloured pencils

Class 3   Mon    Sept 22: Gesture  and contour 2 (Model)

·       Gestures: (10 @ 1 minute)
·       Short: Gesture+ drawings (5 @ 5 minutes)
·       Short: Active/offbalance poses (5 @ 5 minutes)
·       Medium: (3 @ 15 minutes)
·       Longer: reclining/foreshortened poses (2 @ 30 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials + pencils (see supply list) and 3 coloured pencils

Class 4  Mon    Sept 29: Tonal drawing 1 (Model)

·       Gestures: (5 @ 1 minute)
·       Short: Tonal studies (4 @ 7 minutes)
·       Longer: Toned ground (2 @ 30 minutes)
·       Longer: Tonal (2 @ 30 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials + pencils (see supply list) and graphite sticks
·        Sturdy paper/drawinsurfaces (recommended)
·        Portfolio Submission Classes 1 to 4    20% of course grade

Class Mon    Oct 6:    Tonal drawing 2 (Model)

·       Gestures: (5 @ 1 minute)
·       Short: Tonal studies (4 @ 7 minutes)
·       Longer: Toned ground (2 @ 30 minutes)
·       Longer: Tonal (2 @ 30 minutes)
·        Regular studio material+ pencils, graphite sticks, and charcoal pencils
·        Sturdy paper/drawinsurfaces (recommended)
·        Assignment 1 due  Self-Portraits with hands or feet - Tonal Drawing Assignment     15% of course grade

Class Mon    Oct 20:   People in real space   - Combination of Line Drawing and Tonal Drawing (no model)
·        Presentation of Assignment 2.
·        Students will set up in areas of campus with steady foot traffic, working in a selfdirected manner to draw subjects in unstaged scenarios.
·        Short: Brief studies of individuals and small groups (several)
·        Longer: A sustained drawing (1 hour minimum) showing the movement of people over time.
·        Regular studio materials + graphite sticks and charcoal pencils

Class Mon    Oct 27:   Contour and movement (Model)

·      Gestures: (15 @ 1 minute)
·      Short: Gesture sequences (5 @ 6 minutes)
·      Longer: Sustained sequences (3 @ 40 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials + graphite sticks, charcoal pencils and B& W wet media
·        Sturdy paper/drawinsurface (strongly recommended)

Class Mon    Nov 3:   Interacting figures 1 (Model)

·      Gestures (10 @ 2 minutes)
·      Medium: (3 @ 20 minutes)
·      Sustained: (1 @ 80 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials + graphite sticks, charcoal pencils and B& W wet media
·        Sturdy paper/drawinsurface (recommended)

Class Mon    Nov 10: Interacting figures and Figure in Perspective (Two  Models)

·      Gestures (10 @ 2 minutes)
·      Medium: (3 @ 20 minutes)
·      Sustained: (1 @ 80 minutes)
·        Regular studio materials + combined B& W media of choice
·        Sturdy paper/drawing  surface (recommended)

 Class 10  Mon    Nov 17:          Sustained tonal drawing 1 (Model)

·      Sustained: (1 x 150 minutes) Regular  studio  materials + combined B& W media of choice
·        Sturdy paper/drawinsurface (strongly recommended)

 Class 11  Mon    Nov 24:          Sustained tonal drawing of Figure with Projection (Model)

·      Sustained: (1 x 150 minutes) Regular  studio  materials + combined B& W media of choice
·        Sturdy paper/drawinsurface (strongly recommended)
·        Portfolio Submission Classes 5 to 11    45% of course grade

 Class 12  Mon    Dec 1:

·        Assignment 2 due Thematic Figure Drawing Assignment 15% of course grade
·        Fullgroup critique of Assignment 2

Course materials

Regular Studio Materials:
Please bring to all class  meetings

Optional materials:

 Drawing board
Plywood, Masonite, or fiberboard large enough to accommodate 18 × 24 paper/pad.

 Bulldog/binder clips

18 x 24 newsprint  pad(s)
For gesture drawings and short drawings

18 x 24 cartridge  paper pad / white drawing paper
For medium, longer, and sustained drawings

Kneaded eraser

 Gum or plastic eraser

 Push pins

Occasional studio materials:
Please bring on days indicated in the course schedule.

Studier paper or other drawing surfaces
Strongly  recommended for longer and sustained drawing exercises. Can be white or toned. Brands carried at the campus Bookstore include Maidstone, Stonehenge, Arches, Rives, and Somerset. Fabriano Accademia  is quite cheap and comes in
19x25 sheets that should fit on a standard drawing board. They also carry illustration board in various sizes.

Youre welcome  to use other papers (translucent vellums, Japanese papers, paper mounted on panel, etc.) or alternative surfaces (found  materials, panel, fabric, collage etc.). If you have any questions about drawing surfaces and suitable materials, dont hesitate to ask.

 Cardboard portfolio large enough to accommodate your portfolio submisions(recommended)

 Sketchbook or small drawing pad
For preliminary drawings/sketches. Will not be collected for marking.

 Charcoal/conté pencils, chalk pastels, conté crayons Be sure to have white on hand if you plan to use toned or coloured paper. Please be advised that compressed charcoal may not be used in the drawing classroom.

 Ink drawing supplies
Watercolour paper (pad or tablet), black acrylic or India ink, brushes, containers for water


 Drawing pencils
H, 2B, 4B and 6B recommended

 Graphite sticks

Pencil sharpener or utility knife

Black & White Oil pastels (For use at home only)

Workable  fixative (For use at home only)
Drawings made with dry media (charcoal, pencil, pastel, etc.)
should be fixed as soon after completion as possible to avoid
smudging, and all drawings must be fixed before being
submitted as part of your final portfolio to avoid damage
during the marking process. However, use of aerosols is
strictly forbidden in the drawing classroom itself and in
the vicinity of Art Lab.

Material and process  restrictions:

Flammables, poisons, potentially biohazardous materials, aerosol sprays, compressed charcoal, powder pigments and high-­‐ temperature processes are strictly prohibited in the Foundations classrooms, adjoining hallways and the vicinity of the Fitzgerald Building. The instructor must be consulted before any materials
or processes not on the class materials list may be used. If there is any doubt as to the safety of work to be undertaken, work must

be halted until the instructor has been consulted. Students must receive instruction and approval from a technician or instructor before using any tools, machines or special processes.

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